As little as $20 unlocks a little-known “ripple” in the options markets.

A loophole delivering as much as 237% gains in 12 days
and 124 winning trades

No one else can do this because I’m the only one with the software to identify these opportunities. Take a look

For as little as $0.20 per contract…

That’s $20, FYI…

You can enter an options trade that you won’t find anywhere else.

That’s because you’re taking advantage of “ripples” in the market leftover by the big money in the market.

All the clues are buried in your options screen.

This is what mine looks like…

I’m about to show you how this screen gives away “behind-the-scenes” secrets

Yours may look a bit different, but what I’m about to share with you works regardless.

This isn’t some risky “buy out-of-the-money” option lottery ticket strategy.

Nor can other advisors show you this.


Because I’m the only one with the software that can identify these opportunities.

An opportunity to identify little known “ripples” in the options market which can deliver massive gains.

Think of when you throw a rock into the water… and the shape the water makes…

This same ripple phenomenon happens in the options market every single week.

A big “splash” occurs when institutions drop big money into an option… it scatters option prices everywhere…

There’s a moment of craziness…

The “market makers” are frantically crunching numbers…

But within 48-72 hours… things calm down again.

If you don’t see the splashes… you miss out.

And it’s in those brief moments of disruption, YOU can enter a trade for very cheap… and exit for a potentially huge winner

We’ve done it again and again over the last 14 months.

We’ve banked huge gains such as:

• 102% profit in YEXT (65 days)

• 114% profit in AGC (13 days)

• 237% gain in BBIG (12 days)

These are just to name a few.

And you’ll see how I’m doing it.

You don’t need a ton of cash either.

To enter the BBIG trade --- we closed for a 237% gain in 12 days ---  you could’ve started with just $20 for one options contract.

That’s it. No joke. $20 to enter the trade.

One of my trades cost just $20 for 1 contract. That’s it.

In my recommendation, I went for 20 contracts… and took down a $950 profit in under two weeks.

Not all of our trades work out…

Our win rate is around 68%.

But you could’ve made thousands from a small account over the last 4 years.

To just find these trades takes proprietary technology. I’m talking hedge funds will pay up to $72,000 per year for my proprietary tech.

I’ll show you what this tech can do for free right now.

• You won’t have to touch this software ever… but you can ‘backdoor’ into it and gain access to these opportunities like BBIG.

• You’ll want to see this in action… because I’ve boasted a 74% win rate on my trades with it (all tracked and verified).

• Plus, like I mentioned, you could’ve tripled your investment to get these trades starting with an account around $5,000.

That’s pretty good.

What I’ll show you today is something very few people know how to do… nor have I seen it revealed publicly.

That’s because many don’t even know this strategy exists.

Usually, to hit a 68% win rate with options, you must only be selling credit spreads or covered calls.

Those types of trades can net you 5-20% returns.


Except, the way you see traders do it on CNBC (some of these guys we know personally)... they trade the big money all wrong.

Dead wrong.

In fact, if you track their trades ‘following the big money’, I’d bet the results are pretty lousy.

That’s because, usually once the big money makes a move… you’re too late.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t profit in a different way.

Different meaning the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they’re doing.

That’s right.

My options trading strategy

… which is perfect for small accounts trying to grow big…

does the opposite of what big money is doing.

The secret lies in one column of the options chain.

We’ll look at the 3 trades I just boasted the gains on.

They’re great examples… but not even my best profitable trades, to be honest.

Watch this:

Take YEXT:

This trade opened on May 4th.

But that’s not where this trade starts.

Let’s rewind one day to May 3rd.

Take a gander at this options chain.

I want you to look at the column “IMPL VOL”

At the $15 strike, it’s 55.31% at the June 18 expiration… and 50.14% on August 20 expiration.

Also, check out the “VOLUME” column.

Volume is low… “6” for the June 18th expiration.

Meaning, only 6 contracts were being traded.

Notice volume is only “6” on the blue highlighted column

Remember these two points. Implied volatility and volume.

Now, fast forward to the very next day, May 4th:

The next day? Volume is 11,738! Opportunity!

Look again at those same two columns. Implied volatility and volume.

See what happened.

Volume exploded to 11,738 for June… and volatility shot up to 64.86% (up from 55%).

Big money just splashed the pot… disrupted the options chain.

Remember when you’d throw rocks in the water and the ripples formed…

These are the “ripples” of the big money.

When you see those big splashes… you’re about to discover how to profit while the options chain is in flux.


Volatility is 42%

October 14th?

Mega splash!!!

Volatility is 75% the very next day! OPPORTUNITY

Volume rockets to a wild 15,824 contracts being exchanged.

Volatility spikes from 42% to 75.35%! In one, normal day in the markets.

Talk about a cannonball in the middle of AGC’s options.

Here’s another…

August 26th… normal day on the market.

No big stories. Nothing exciting…

Volatility for this stock is typically higher than other stocks… and it is. 202%...

Meanwhile --- 492 volume of contracts exchanged.

Notice → Volume is 492 + Implied Volatility 202%. Watch what happens next!

You think something’s going to happen?

You bet.

August 27th… the next day.


Volume spikes from 492 to 102,424! Volatility runs to 319%

Yesterday, 492 contracts of volume traded… Today? 102,424 contracts exchanged!

Volume is full to the brim and tipping over…

Volatility pumps to 319% from 202%... a full 58% spike overnight.

Big money made their bet… and they weren’t subtle about it.

Else, you’ll be manually searching every single option chain on every single one of the 5,440 optionable stocks on the market.

No one has time for that.

But I’ve developed a software to quickly and easily spot these types of plays.

And when you do too alongside me…All it takes is putting on one simple trade and you’re done.

The trade may last 1 day... or could go on for a couple months.

There’s no telling.

But over the past 48 months, I’ve put this strategy to the absolute test, and the results have been staggering.

Staggering especially if you want to just trade a few thousand bucks at a time.


• These opportunities happen every single week (I average more than 1 per week)

• You don’t need to understand the “greeks”

• You don’t need a lot of money ($3,000-$5,000 is fine). Some contracts start for $20!

• You can “win” both ways… selling options and buying options. The huge winners come when you can profit on both sides at the same time. There’s a method to this.

• You don’t need to actually USE my software… I’ll do it for you. (hedge funds would pay up to $72,000/year for this technology. You? It’s free)

No complicated options trading to do either.

No technical chart reading.

No straddles, strangles, iron condors, butterflies… or all those kooky type of advanced trades .

If you can buy an option… and sell one at the same time… you’re already set.

Now, I’m sure you’re curious who I am.

I’m not some mad scientist… I’m not a “Zuckerberg” tech guy.

None of this is a theory I read in a book.

I’ve been trading options since 1985. That’s over 35 years.

I trade my own money. And I’ve helped small and large account individual investors like you for decades.

Hi, my name’s Tim Biggam.

I’ve traded on the floor of the biggest options exchange in the world at the Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE).

You may have seen me on Bloomberg, CNBC and other prominent financial news including PBS’ Nightly Business Report.

Brief snapshot about me, Tim Biggam

I’ve written for and spoken at events by the Wall Street Journal, Barron’s,

I know what the big money does because I’ve worked with the big money for decades.

Hedge funds, institutions, high net worth individuals… you name it, I’ve worked with them.

At one point, I ran a quantitative options program with over $50 million in assets in it.

I’ve founded many companies… all connected to options in some way.

3 years of my life was an options market maker at the CBOE.

As a market maker, I saw FIRST (before anyone else), the blocks of options trades being made by the deep pockets.

That’s where I first spotted big money patterns.

I noticed why big money made a trade… what happened after they ‘splashed’ the market. All the information I took to my many companies.

I only left the large firms to then trade for myself with my own money.

Every recommendation (for the most part), I’m putting my own money behind it and telling my clients about it.

You won’t find me paper trading options much.

There’s money in my account moving daily into the types of opportunities I’m going to show you.

It was only recently I finally cracked the code on the actual tech behind what I saw as a market maker in the CBOE.

As you can imagine, technology is amazingly expensive. Algorithms are tricky to dial up correctly.

It took me years… but I finally launched (internally) my proprietary technology to spot when big money makes a big splash in the market.

A technology hedge funds would happily pay buckets of money for.

Instead, I use it to help you.

I don’t want to help them make more money. They bank enough. I’ve helped them enough.

It’s your turn.

In 2020, I finally started sharing the trades I was locating privately with my software.

In the first 14 months, the results were staggering for an options service.

Out of 71 recommended and verified trades… 52 were winners! A 74% win rate.

If you traded with a small account of $5,000… you had an opportunity to generate profits of $6,855.

That’s a 137% return on your money. 

Now, that $5,000 is an estimate of the starting capital as each trade requires a different amount of cash.

However, many of the trades you can climb aboard for as little as $20 if you wish.

Others you need more but the cash is collected by you first! You get a credit!

That flood of option volume by big money disrupts all the pricing of options.

The market makers (the ones who set the prices… a job I had for 3 years at the biggest options exchange in the world) are frazzled trying to re-price big ‘splashes’ like this.

When the big money moves in, there’s a window where this ‘splash disruption’ occurs and that’s when you can put on these options trades I’ll show you.

Volatility is key because it’s a rubber band.

Volatility will always revert back to the mean.

Meaning, it will eventually end up back to its ‘average’ even if there’s a spike.

Don’t believe me… check out the VIX over the past 20 years. (The VIX measures volatility in the market).

When volatility spikes… eventually, it comes back down. THAT is the opportunity.

Notice how it goes up and down, but it always eventually ends up between 15-25 on the VIX reading.

Spikes up always come down.

Steep drops always snap back up.

Options volatility works the exact same way.

And that’s where we can take advantage.

However, unless you plan to manually screen every individual stock every single day…

You need software to quickly pinpoint these opportunities as they come up.

That’s what I’ve developed myself in-house.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to use this software, pay for it, or even understand it completely.

But, I’ll give you a quick rundown of what it does.

Finding these bulk options buys isn’t easy. You need to plug into various data terminals to gather this information.

As you can imagine, there’s compliance involved, coding, connectivity issues, and more that all work together.

It took me years to finally put it together… but I’ve developed this software myself.

Hedge funds would happily pay $72,000/yr for access to it… and with them managing billions, it’s a drop in the bucket.

For you, the individual investor, it doesn’t make sense to ever pay that much.

What the software does is straightforward: 

1. It records bulk buys of options contracts, plus the volatility data, options chain info and more (as I’ve shown you in screenshots above)

2. It stores them so I can reference back to them in later days. (something no brokerage allows).

From here, I can compare yesterday’s volatility with today as I’ve shown you already.

There are web applications out there which allow you to screen for bulk option purchases… but you don’t have access to prior day volatility metrics, volume, prices, etc.

That’s what I have at my fingertips.

Now, you can too.

You can access the results of my screenings because I’ll regularly share them with you in video and in trading alerts.

In fact, I’ve spotted, on average, more than 1 options trade per week over the past 14 months thanks to my software.

I filter through all the bulk contract buys to come up with a high-probability trade.

High probability readings have turned in a 74% win rate over that stretch.


Right now, I’m looking at a brand-new opportunity. 

It just opened, and it has the possibility to be another winner.

If you have a small account, it’s possible to take the first step to growing that account right now.

As you’ve seen, many of our trades --- when you follow my recommended buy prices and contract sizes --- result in banking $148, $480, even $950 in profit in as little as 2 days.

Nothing is guaranteed.

And we have losers in there as well.

I shared my entire track record with you already today including average wins and average losses.

My Expectancy is positive, meaning, over the long haul, this strategy is expected to make money again and again.

As you compound your cash, the more gross profit you walk away with.

But the only way I’ve found this high probability trades is with my software.


I’ve found an open trade for you.

The alert will hit your inbox and look like this:


This trade only required $15 to get in.

If you bought the 20 recommended contracts, you were in for $300…

We ended up closing this trade in PROG for a $700 profit in 36 days.

That’s a 237% gain.

We didn’t do a credit spread here (that’s more conservative).

We used our edge to put on a calendar spread.

We sold the short-term expiration option at $3.5… and BOUGHT the option expiring two months later.

Both legs made us money… hence, the large, triple-digit winner.

A trade just like this is waiting for you right now.

There are other trades open as well you can take a gander at.

But you have an opportunity to tap into my proprietary software, make this trade, and start profiting yourself.

It’s that easy.

Big money has ‘splashed’ the market… causing a disruption.

Meaning, the window to make this trade is very short-lived.

You must get in now. I’ll show you exactly how to make the trade too.

Make the trade now or forever hold your peace.

This trade is housed in my popular income product, Options Cobra.

Options Cobra is in its 2nd year of existence, and it’s a service that takes advantage of the unusual options activity caused by big money.

Everything I showed you today is what Options Cobra is about.

Like a cobra who waits patiently for its prey…

We wait patiently for big money to make the first move… disrupt the flow of the options market… and profit on the spiked volatility.

It’s a lot of fun.

It’s high probability.

It’s not a ‘get rich quick’ scheme… but more an income-producer that churns out profits at a 74% win rate. 

Starting with around $5,000, over the past 14 months, you could’ve profited $6,855 following my alerts perfectly.

That’s a 137% gain.

But you can start with as little as $20 if you want.

You’re about to see how these profits more than 10X’d the investment to receive the trade alerts I send.

Now --- because these are all credit and calendar spreads, liquidity is much tighter than normal stocks and options.

Meaning, you likely will have trouble trading 100s of contracts at a time.

Which is why

You can start with $20…

But I recommend Options Cobra to those with $3,000…$5,000…$10,000 in a portfolio looking for a good place to generate steady income.

Here’s what you can expect as a premium subscriber to Options Cobra:


• 12 months of access to Options Cobra

• “Over the shoulder” access to my proprietary unusual options software which finds these little-known opportunities

This is a software that would retail for $72,000/year!

• Real-time portfolio tracker with updated Profit & Loss stats

• Trade walkthroughs of various opportunities (not all trade alerts have bonus videos, but some do)

• Live GROUP coaching 2-3x per month. Ask questions, hear about bonus trade opportunities, chat with other Cobra members. (all are recorded too).

• Email/Text trade alerts. Plus, I post them in the portal as well. I share the exact place to enter, trim and exit positions. You’re never left to wonder “what do I do next?”

Once you sign up with Options Cobra, you’ll start receiving your 1st of 4-5 trade alerts this month.

Over 48 months, I released 182 trades. That’s an average of nearly 4 per month.

Your next alert could be one like this:


I alerted a trade in THS.

I saw a volatility spike from unusual options trading (UOA).

We opened 14 contracts at $0.30 each. That’s $420 of risk we put on.

Within 6 days, the stock and volatility was trending in our direction…

I alerted to close half the position:


We took some profits and let the rest ride.

You’ll see me do this regularly. If a trade is working, we cut half of it to secure profit and lower our risk.

(that’s why I also recommend buying more than 1 contract… so you can trim winning positions and lower your risk on the total trade).

7 days later, it all worked out.

I recommended closing the rest of the trade:


This second leg finished our position with a total profit of $490 in 16 days.

That’s a 117% profit.

That’s 2,669% annualized!

Pretty good.

And notice I was with you the entire time. Helping you along, alerting you when to cut and sell.

That’s what you can expect.

During the trade duration, we also held a Group call… where I discussed the trade more there as well.

Options Cobra is a service that has as much or as little content as you want.

Maybe you just want trade alerts.

Great. Get the text alerts.. .make the trades.

Maybe you want the alerts and content on “why” we do everything.

You have group calls, trade walkthroughs and the alerts to give you a full, rounded picture.

This service is worth it in every regard.

And you can join right now at an amazing price.

I already mentioned access to my software would go for $72,000/year.

That’s because hedge funds would pay $6,000/month for access. (a drop in the bucket for them).

The normal price for Options Cobra for a 1-year membership is $2,995…

But I’m about to give you a huge discount right now.

Because I realized many of our readers trade with $3,000 - $5,000.

It doesn’t make any sense to pay $2,995 for a service with $3,000 in the market.

Of course, with a 137% potential return in the past 14 months…

That would be $4,110 in profits on such a small account.

(Nothing is guaranteed, of course).

Still, all your profits would do is pay for the service, which doesn’t make sense. I’m here to help you grow small accounts, not swipe all your trading profits.

Instead of paying $2,995…

I’m going to drop the price by a full $1,200 right now.

That’s a full 40% off immediately if you join now.

Meaning, for a mere investment of $,795, you can gain access to 12-months of Options Cobra today.

All you need to do is click the “Join Now” button at the bottom of this page.

Once you do, you’ll be sent to a private, secure page to finalize joining.

I also have a special phone number on the next page to call my team if you need to talk to someone.

All of that for just $795.

That’s $2.17 per day.

I’ve shown you opportunities to profit up to $950 from one trade…

And that’s just 1 of the 4 trades you could receive in a month.

That more than pays off your subscription.

Test Drive Options Cobra for the next 60 days

If it doesn’t surpass all your expectations… I’ll give you 100% of your money back even at the 60-day mark!

You don’t have to make this purchase worried it won’t be worth it.

Come in today… try out up to 10 of my trades…

See all the content I have to share with you:


• Trade alerts
• Bi-weekly group coaching with open Q&A
• Trading breakdowns
• Bonus trades in the group sessions

…and, of course, watch over my shoulder as I use my proprietary unusual options technology (worth $72,000/yr to hedge funds)...

Even if you use the service for 30 days…

IfGetIf after 60 days after of all that, you don’t feel my 74% win rate… profitable expectancy on trades… none of that is worth $971,795…

I’ll give you every penny back.

That’s a promise.

You’re covered risk-free.

Simply click the button below to join now.

And when you do… I have one more bonus for you.

BONUS *Today Only*

Get a 2nd year of Options Cobra

($795 value = $0 cost to you)

This is a 2-for-1 deal you can’t pass up.

I’m only offering it on this page today.

For one investment of $795… I’ll add a 2nd year of Options Cobra absolutely free.

Meaning, 24 months is only going for a mere $795.

As I’ve shown you, you could’ve profited $6,855 with a small $5k account over the last 14 months.

A $795 investment is less than 9620% of those profits…

Your investment in Options Cobra could pay off faster than you think.

Plus, as you grow your account, you can compound it over and over again.

2 years.

Click the button below to go to the final page. I also have a phone number on the following page if you have more questions.

Join me today and take advantage of these big splashes in the market by the big money.

Few know how to exploit unusual options activity…

Many ‘gurus’ on CNBC get it all wrong…

Not you.

Not today.

Join Options Cobra right now.

Positions Disclosure as of 10/18/24: 



Scott Redler is an associated member of T3 Trading Group, LLC (“T3TG”), a SEC registered Broker-Dealer & Member of FINRA SIPC. All trades made by Scott are placed through T3TG.

T3 Live, LLC is a financial publisher that disseminates information about economic, business, and capital markets issues through various media. T3 Live is not a Broker-Dealer, an Investment Adviser, or any other type of business subject to regulation by the SEC, CFTC, state securities regulators or any “self-regulatory organization” (such as FINRA). Although T3 Live and T3 Trading Group, LLC are affiliated companies by virtue of common ownership, the companies are managed separately and engage in different businesses.

T3 Live provides information that viewers of its programs may consider in making their own investment decisions. However, any viewer will be responsible for considering such information carefully and evaluating how it might relate to that viewer’s own decision to buy, sell or hold any investment. Such decisions must be based on that viewer’s individual and independent evaluation of his or her financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, liquidity needs, family commitments and other factors, not in reliance on any information obtained from T3 Live.

Statements by any person (whether identified as associated with T3 Live, T3 Trading Group, or any other entity) represent the opinions of that person only and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of T3 Live or any other person associated with T3 Live.

It is possible that any individual providing information or expressing an opinion on any T3 Live program may hold an investment position (or may be contemplating holding an investment position) that is inconsistent with the information provided or the opinion being expressed. This may reflect the financial or other circumstances of the individual or it may reflect some other consideration. Viewers of T3 Live programs should take this into account when evaluating the information provided or the opinion being expressed.

Although T3 Live strives to provide accurate and reliable information from sources that it believes to be reliable, T3 Live makes no guarantees as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or correctness of any such information. T3 Live makes no guarantee or promise of any kind, express or implied, that anyone will profit from or avoid losses from using information disseminated through T3 Live.

All investments are subject to risk of loss, which you should consider in making any investment decisions. Viewers of T3 Live programs should consult with their financial advisors, attorneys, accountants or other qualified professionals prior to making any investment decision.

The risk of loss in trading options can be substantial. You should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. The high degree of leverage that is often obtainable in options trading may benefit you as well as conversely lead to large losses beyond your initial investment. Past results are not indicative of future results. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits similar to those shown.

T3 Trading Group, LLC is a Registered SEC Broker-Dealer and Member of FINRA SIPC. All trading conducted by contributors associated with T3 Trading Group, LLC on the Virtual Trading Floor is done through T3 Trading Group, LLC. For more information on T3 Trading Group, LLC please visit

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I’ve counted 124 winners in total…
That’s nearly 3 wins per month thanks to these disruptions

I’m showing you how to land even bigger winners… you can start with a small account…

And you’re simply following the big money.

You follow them by doing the OPPOSITE!Now, you’ve heard that before --- follow the “big money.”

Check out AGC again.

This was our 114% winner in 13 days.

October 13th… everything’s calm in the water.

Volatility at 42%... volume “0”.

Here’s the catch --- these spikes in volume and volatility only last for a short time.

You are on the clock to take advantage, or miss out forever.

However, to locate these types of options “splashes”, you must have the right software to spot them.