Market Recap For April 13th, 2022

The market has provided a lot of back and forth over the past 3 days, yesterday bringing a complete reversal of the previous day’s drop.

Wednesday ended on a firmly bullish note, which would seem to ready to continue into today. However, it’s always possible the back and forth isn’t over.

Yesterday’s Sector Performance

When the market has a good day lately, Technology and Discretionary lead.

Financials still struggled, as did Utilities.

Five-Day Sector Performance

Energy tightened its grasp on the weekly lead.

Technology and Services are still at the bottom, but they’ve made up some ground.

ETF Trade Watch

United States Oil Fund (USO)

Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR (XLY)

Oil rallied further on Wednesday, as expected. Higher prices appear to be coming, and that keeps the USO on traders’ radars.

If the market has finally found some sort of bottom, expect Consumer Discretionary, and the XLY, to outperform.

Good luck!