Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. engages in the manufacture and sale of integrated circuits and wafer semiconductor devices. Its chips are used in personal computers and peripheral products, information applications, wired and wireless communications systems products, and automotive and industrial equipment including consumer electronics such as digital video compact disc player, digital television, game consoles, and digital cameras.

Take a look at the 3-month chart of Taiwan (TSM) below with the added notations:

Chart of TSM provided by TradingView

TSM has formed key resistance at $83 over the past several weeks, while also rising on top of an up-trending support line. These two lines have TSM trading within a common pattern known as an ascending triangle (green). TSM will break out of the triangle, eventually, which creates an ideal trade setup.

The Tale of the Tape: TSM has formed a triangle pattern. A short trade could be made on a break of support or on a test of resistance. A long trade could be made at support or on a break through the triangle resistance of $83.

Before making any trading decision, decide which side of the trade you believe gives you the highest probability of success. Do you prefer the short side of the market, long side, or do you want to be in the market at all? If you haven’t thought about it, review the overall indices themselves. For example, take a look at the S&P 500. Is it trending higher or lower? Has it recently broken through a key resistance or support level? Making these decisions ahead of time will help you decide which side of the trade you believe gives you the best opportunities.

No matter what your strategy or when you decide to enter, always remember to use protective stops and you’ll be around for the next trade. Capital preservation is always key…

Good luck!

Christian Tharp, CMT


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