Ford Motor Company (F) has sprung to life after a bounce right off a major support level of around 11. Now the auto giant looks to make higher prices if only the stock can over take a large resistance level at 14.50.

This setup is largely dependent on what the rest of the market does, but if the rally can continue, then higher price should be ahead. But what about your entry?

Ideally, if the stock could pull back a little bit, this would give traders a great entry point with better risk vs. reward to play the upside of F. If you look at the chart, it looks like this is very possible. If the price can pull back to 13.50 this would be that great entry point. As far as your risk management is concerned, you might then look for a break below 13 to cut your losses and move on to the next trade.

Remember, you can win if you don’t bet and you cant bet if you have no more chips, which is why risk management is paramount to anything else when trading. Keep this in mind and keep this trade on watch.

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Good Luck With Your Trading!

Christian Tharp, CMT